Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Electric Yellow

Three electric cars I spotted today in Celebration, and one yellow motorcycle (BMW). Because I'm participating in Project Yellow on my Champions Gate blog, everything is suddenly yellow!! Who knew?


Flying Solo said...

I would love to drive my pink coyote in one og these!

Carletta said...

I want a yellow electric car - these are cute!
Nice yellow "catches."

Lynette said...

Cute, yep, they're cute. Are they quiet, George? I've always wondered.

Small City Scenes said...

Yellow everywhere. How come you never noticed them before. Do they speak? MB

Janice Thomson said...

I really like these little cars too and would love to drive one. Great idea for the yellow theme.

George Townboy said...

Coca Bixinhos: That would be awesome!!

Carletta: Amazing how they just all happened to be around when I was ... I never noticed the yellow ones before, lol.

Lynette: They are very quiet.

MB: Well, I noticed 'them' as electric cars, but didn't take notice of the color!! I don't know if they speak.

Janice: Thanks. I haven't driven one yet, but they seem just like golf carts.